Singapore Government’s Efforts to Contain Coronavirus Outbreak in Singapore

According to the most recent updates, the circuit break in Singapore is going to last until the first of June. However, we are not sure if the lockdown will be ceased after that.

Anyway, as preparations, the Singapore government recently introduced safety guidelines for workplaces in Singapore after the circuit break. The Ministry of Health and the MOM jointly introduced the Safe Management Measures Requirements to be followed by offices in the city-state. There are more than 25 guidelines.

Safe Management Measures Requirements

These are the highlights from the Safe Management Measures Requirements in Singapore

Each company should present a detailed monitoring plan that tells how they plan to keep their employees safe. It should be in accordance with the Safe Management Measurement Requirements itself.

  • Every office should appoint a Safe Management Officer (SMO) who will monitor the guidelines, and co-ordinate them.
  • Companies should avoid cross deploying employees in teams.
  • Work from Home and Virtual Meetings should be conducted where possible.
  • For employees coming from public transport, you should make sure you don’t call them during the peak hours.
  • Masks are going to be made a compulsion in the offices.
  • There should be a physical distance of 1 metre among employees at all times.

Remember, there are more Safe Management Measures for Unwell Employees, and failing to comply with them will be risky for your workers. Also, MOH and MOM will take actions if you don’t follow them properly.

The SafeEntry Visit Management System

As per the need of the society, the government has made the SafeEntry Visitor Management System compulsory in places where there are higher probabilities of physical contact. This includes offices, shopping malls, essential service venues, etc.

By the way, following the SafeEntry Safety Measures means placing a Check-in and Check-out system in the doorways of your office. The device will then keep records of everyone visiting the complex, and also trace their contacts. The tech was developed by the Government Technology Agency (GovTech), and is expected to be very important in the fight to control the outbreak of the Noble Coronavirus once again.