Content That Can Help Your Business Grow

These days, it’s hard not to have heard about SEO Marketing and content, especially if you’re a business owner. Content marketing is just part of the SEO strategy that can make or break the growth of your company.

An SEO Company Boise can help you wade through the ever-changing world of SEO to ensure that your content and all the other bells and whistles of SEO are running smoothly so you can focus on the business and your day-to-day tasks. Within the plan your SEO team develops, you might be interested to know that there are four types of content that are thriving currently, and a mixture of each might be just what your brand needs.


If you own a business, blogging is a cheap way to improve your marketing, bring more people to your website, and find new customers. Here are some reasons why having a blog for your business is a good idea:

Increase your traffic: If you have an active blog, a lot more people will visit your website. Google likes websites with new content more than ones with old content. The more often you add to your blog, the more people will visit your website.

Establish your authority: Blogging is a great way to show what you know and become a thought leader in your field. Creating high-quality articles on a regular basis will help you become known as an expert in your field. Increasing your credibility will also increase the number of people who buy from you. Most of your customers will do business with you because they think you know a lot about your field.

Give your audience something of value: One of the biggest mistakes businesses make is to only talk about their own products and services without giving the reader anything of value. If you have a blog, make sure it has useful content. By making content that is useful, you will make customers more loyal to your brand. When you set yourself up as an expert in your field, people will come to you when they want to find someone to work with.

Lead generation: Blogging is one of the best ways to get new customers. Remember that every person who visits your site is a possible customer waiting to be turned into one. Your blog posts can also help you grow your email lists. These people who sign up for your email list are leads that you can use for other marketing purposes.

Video Marketing

Video marketing is exactly as it sounds. You use videos to promote your products and services, educate your customers, increase engagement on digital channels, and reach a larger audience.

Videos are also a great way to get more people to buy from you. Putting videos on the landing pages of your business can boost your conversion rates by 80%. Another study shows that adding the word “video” to the subject line of your email will make 19% more people open it. These numbers show how well videos work.

You should start making videos for your business right now if you aren’t already. The best part is that making high-quality videos is very easy today. You can make 4k videos with high quality right on your phone.

You can use demo videos, brand videos, event videos, educational videos, how-to videos, expert interviews, explanation videos, case studies, and customer testimonial videos as some of the best marketing videos you can use.

Live video is another good type of video that businesses should use. Live videos are a great way to give your audience a look at what goes on behind the scenes at your business. Statistics also show that people watch live videos for up to 8.1 times longer than other types of videos.

User Created Content

User-generated content (UGC) is any type of content that was made by people instead of companies. This content can be written words, videos, reviews, pictures, and so on. UGC is a good way to get your customers involved in making your content.

Why should you bother with content made by other people? Here are the three biggest advantages of UGC:

Research shows that consumers are 2.4 times more likely to think that content made by other consumers is more real than content made by the brand itself.

Make people trust you. The truth is that people trust other customers more than they trust brands. 70% of people look at what other customers say when deciding where to shop. When people hear good things about your business from other customers, it helps a lot.

UGC has a big effect on what customers buy and how they decide to buy it. In fact, 80% of customers say that the UGC affects their decisions about what to buy.

Using UGC in your content marketing strategy can help you get more people to know about your brand and make more sales.

Podcasts Generate Visitors

A podcast is a group of digital audio files that you can get from the internet. Podcasts have become more popular over the past few years. With content marketing, your goal should be to give people as many ways as possible to get to your content. Your customers might like to read blog posts, watch videos, or listen to podcasts. By offering these different kinds of content, you can boost your conversions and return on investment (ROI).

Podcasts are also a great way to market your business. They are a great way to reach out to a wide range of people. It also helps you connect with the people you want to reach. Podcasts are also fun to listen to. Podcasts do very well with their listeners. A survey of 300,000 podcast listeners found that 63% of them bought whatever the podcaster was selling.

It’s also easy to make podcasts. To record your videos, all you need is a good microphone and headphones. You can put the audios right on your websites or email them to your audience. You can also store and share your audio files with the help of a podcast host.

Choose the type of content marketing that works best for your business. Do regular analysis to help you figure out which type of content marketing gives you the best return on your investment.


As you look over this list, you might realize that you are able to provide one or more of these content boosts for your business. Work with your SEO team to determine the best method and how the two of you can work together for the benefit of the business. In the end, you may end up allowing your SEO team to handle all your SEO marketing needs, but it is still good to have knowledge of the services offered.

With over 40 years of experience, the Bear Fox Marketing team would love to talk to you about your goals and desire for growth. To learn more about our services, connect with us at We look forward to hearing from you.