There’s a school of thought that says departure interviews are too important to downplay

There's a school of thought that says departure interviews are too important to downplay

Job competition is at an all-time high, as anybody who has followed the news at all in the previous year knows. Overworked workers in the spring of 2021 generated an unprecedented degree of turnover, leaving millions of open jobs. Then something out of the ordinary happened. After extensive layoffs and downsizing the year before, firms this year said they were having trouble filling the vacancies left by those who had left the company.

It would be unfair and untrue to pin all of the blame for this scenario on Covid-19 and the subsequent economic implications. Even before the phrase “Covid-19” was coined, studies showed that 76 percent of recruiters found it challenging to find qualified candidates. This happened long before the phrase was ever thought of. The progressive fall in the birthrate over the last several decades is another factor. This results in more people reaching retirement age and making purchases, but fewer people joining the workforce. The company’s leadership may need to reevaluate its hiring practises to find a solution to this perplexing problem. In order to get the information they need, the company must make use of its most important resource: its personnel. Choosing the right exit interviews questions is important here.

Why Recruiting Is So Difficult to Do

Recruiting new staff is never easy, but if any of the following describe your company, it may be especially challenging to entice top talent to join your team.

Now more than ever, workers are on the lookout for employers that will respect their personal beliefs and provide them with genuine care and consideration. Most of our present staff were “won over” by our core beliefs and decided to join us despite offers from other companies. Despite having other choices, they opted for this one. Candidates seeking available roles look for companies where they feel valued and can support the company’s mission. Employees have been more discerning over the last several years when it comes to looking for work at companies without clear values. A large number of people, however, got their comeuppance from the global pandemic itself, realising that they no longer wanted to spend their lives working for companies that did not share their values.

Intentional deficiency

Recruiters will be able to tout the social proof that your company is a great place to work when you cultivate a culture that people want to join. However, companies that just hire people to fill positions aren’t giving their corporate culture much of a reason to exist. They’ve reached a tipping point where their company is no longer an attractive place to work because of this.

The firm then focuses on raising wages and providing attractive incentives, but when the money stops flowing, as it inevitably will, employees who have no other ties to the company will leave. As a result, we search for individuals with special skills and perspectives to contribute to our company’s culture, and we base our recruiting choices on our core values.


After you’ve employed people, it’s not too late to start thinking about ways to reinforce your company’s culture via rewards and perks. “Core value call-outs” are how we recognise and support team members who are demonstrating our values in their daily work. This shows our employees that we are serious about creating a pleasant work environment, and not simply talking about it.